Tuesday 19 January 2016

Want to Lose Weight? 5 Ways Yoga Can Help You Out

Are you looking to shed those nasty pounds this vacation? Great! Now that’s something nice you can do for your body. But, have you decided how you are going to do that? Well, If you haven’t decided yet, then you must know that yoga can do wonders to your body.

And, if you have planned for a trip or outing, then adding yoga to it would be simply perfect. While searching globally for the yoga retreats, you will find that yoga holidays in Italy, New Zealand, and Costa Rica are the best places to step in for practicing yoga along with thousand other delights, surprises, and fun things to do.

Here are the five ways of yoga that can help you in meeting your weight-loss goals:

weight loss yoga

  • Burn Calories

Yoga is very helpful in burning calories. Depending on practicing yoga type, it sheds the weight from that particular part of the body. Most common forms of yoga are Vinyasa, Ashtanga, power yoga, and yoga fusion, practicing which results in quick weight loss besides enhancing flexibility and strength.

Yoga is a great physical workout that when practiced boosts the performance of the lymphatic system and organs. So, it adds flexibility to the body too!

  • Physical and Mental Health

How fitness can be maintained easily? It’s simple. Just focus on your physical and mental health by practicing restorative yoga that is helpful in strengthening your mind power. It helps to increase the sensitivity of your inner signals such as cravings and hunger. At yoga retreats, a proper diet is followed with better food choices.

  • Fitness maintenance

Certain poses like asana for weight loss has benefitted people in burning calories and muscle strengthening. The poses like shoulder stand or fish pose, Vajrasana or spine twist, and up face speed up the metabolism by stimulating endocrine glands that regulate the metabolic rate.
These poses are helpful in proper alignment of the body.

  • Peaceful Body, Mind, and Soul

You start your day by praying to the sun indicating the mind positivity. Then, with a fresh mind, start practicing yoga session in a surrounding full of flora and trees. Meditation in the open surrounding is helpful in enhancing the blood circulation. It also rejuvenates the body, mind, and soul.
In the evening, you again have a yoga session, where you with a happy face will cherish yourself.

  • Nutritional Diet

As three times meal is good for health, most of the retreats follow a proper diet schedule. So, no need to worry about the healthy food as they generally offers traditional cuisines, which are full of good flavor, simplicity, and freshness.

However, yoga diet is helpful for maintaining the fit and energetic body.

Yoga teaches awareness in yourself, which is important for the long-term change. So, for your great vacation, you can make a visit to Abundance Yoga Retreat for a fresh mind and healthy body.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Live Happy! Yoga Practicing Guide for Busy Moms

Laziness is the main cause of doing nothing. It is not the reason for a busy schedule. People are busy, especially moms. The main reason is a lack of time. But, once yoga is fit into your schedule, don’t make it as an excuse.

yoga retreat italy

Dear busy moms, here comes the precise yoga-practicing guide for your healthy lifestyle.

  •   Instead Of Daily Practice, Practice Yoga Weekly

Living for yoga is a hitch after becoming a mom, but can make it to practice. You can practice yoga on weekends if you are not getting time daily. Ten minutes of meditation in the morning will make you feel relax and grateful.

Whether employed or unemployed, you can easily take out half an hour to live with yoga on weekends.

  • Break Yoga Into Relevant-Minute Segments

For a living, inhale and exhale is required. In the same way, to stay fit and active, natural healing is essential. What is that? Mostly, the secret behind the fitness is yoga. You can do one more thing; divide your timings instead of waiting for the weekend.

You don’t know how effective is practicing yoga for 10-20 minutes daily. A meditation can help you a lot in this.

  •  Straight Sitting With Free Mind

Oh no! Your boss is asking for the reports, which you haven’t completed it yet. In a hurry, you are just pressurizing yourself. Your daily activity can also bring a change in your lifestyle. Just relax! Give time to yourself for 5 minutes. Once your mind is calmed down, take a long breath, your mind will get rest.

However, do the breathing exercises before beginning your day.

  •  Go On Vacation Whether For A Week

You are dedicated enough towards your work that you can easily get holidays for a week. Make it prosperous. Go on a yoga holiday. Do the rest completely and follow the proper diet. If you really want to experience it, search for yoga retreats.

A yoga retreat is a place where yoga is practiced in various forms with nature by eating the proper food too.

  •   Yoga At The End Of The Day
What do you after coming from the office? Don’t say that you go to sleep. Though, you are tired but have to do home tasks too, even if a house cleaner is there to work. You can’t sleep until your children go to sleep. Simply follow the routine that after you reach home, have a soft meal.

As you have time now, practice yoga for an hour (minimum 30 minutes). This will help you in refreshing the mind and heart. Make your children practice too.

In 24 hours, it is all about giving 30-60 minutes to yoga. It is not that much difficult as it sees in a busy schedule. If you are pregnant for the second time, you should follow these guidelines.

Do it yourself or visit yoga retreat, you have many options. The best idea is to make an escape to a yoga retreat for getting rid of stress and hectic schedule. If you have a plan for doing so, visit Abundance Yoga retreat in Italy.

So, what are you waiting for? Be ready to experience the new lifestyle!

Monday 4 January 2016

Choose The Best Yoga Retreat For Your Next Vacation With These Simple Steps

Choose the Best Yoga Retreat for Your Next Vacation with These Simple Steps 

If your New Year resolution is to experience yoga then don’t waste your next vacation just by sleeping. Choose a yoga retreat that is suitable for you. You don’t need to do hard work, just search online. While looking for the best yoga retreats in the world, keep following steps in mind:

What should you look in Yoga Retreat?

Practicing yoga sometimes is very specific. It is because people find something new in it. It includes Hatha yoga, Lyanager yoga, or Ashtanga yoga that is more than a meditative practice. Yoga is an ease to the body and gentle for the mind. Yoga is challenging for you, both physically and mentally.

Whether you are looking for physical fitness, stress relief, rehabilitation, or spiritual awareness, identify the yoga retreat you are looking for. It must address your initial search most directly. Yoga is to mediate a life with peace; it’s a good chance for you.

Which Yoga Class Is Meant For You?

Yoga is different for every person. The meaning of yoga is defined by itself beautifully. The word “yoga” means to unite and that overused catchword “Mind, Body, and Spirit” is the essence of yoga. Yoga builds the confidence that brings intellectual self with physical self. It is the key to finding the truth.

Many yoga styles, old and new, are worth than any medication. A yoga style that resonates with you initially, whether in a quiet way or dynamic way, practicing yoga possess variation for the natural healing? Pick Yoga Retreat that can refine you with various aspects of healing power.

What Yoga Retreats Are Providing?

Here are the major guidelines to know about the major yoga styles:

•    Ashtanga Yoga: A kind of hatha yoga focuses heavily on the physical practice of yoga posture. It focuses on the spiritual journey of the yoga path.

•    Bikram Yoga: It is a physical-based yoga, performed in a heated room. Bikram Yoga follows a set sequence of yoga posture.

•    Hatha Yoga: A kind of yoga that balances the yoga asana with the essential components of breath awareness and focus on calming the mind, it is for new age spiritual concepts.

•    Hot Yoga: It is similar to Bikram yoga that focuses on different postures in a warm scenario.

•    Lyengar Yoga: This yoga requires perseverance that focuses on postural alignment with the asana.

•    Vinyasa Yoga: It is the movement between poses in yoga governed by regulating breathing and relaxing in a calm environment.

Make sure you experience any one of these major classifications of yoga.

Find the Experienced Yoga Teacher

A regular yoga practice will help you in refreshing your mind making the stress-free life. Therefore, go for the yoga retreat that has experienced teachers and practitioners. Also, seek through the scenario that must have the natural approach.

Yoga is a journey of peace, not a destination. You should know this while booking yoga retreat for your perfect yoga practice.

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